Monday, March 26, 2012

Integral Knowledge - Integration of Vedantic and Tantric Knowledge

This is another opportunity to explain the symbolism of the yet another
misunderstood concept, the Left Handed Fivefold Worship, the Pancha Makara

Pancha Makara Puja means the fives Ms are used for worshipping Deity.

The pramana is this

Madyam Mamsam cha Meenam cha
Mudra Maidhunameva Cha
Eka Pancha Makarasyur
Naranam Moksha Dayaka

Wine, Meat and Fish
With copulation and Yoga Mudra
These Five can liberate Man
These Five Ms !


Madyam - Wine
Mamsam - Flesh
Meenam - Fish
Mudra - A Yogic Pose
Maidhuna - Copulation

We have said that Sir John Woodroffe was a Sunday lawyer. After practising
Tantra, he became a Siddha. The West knew Tantra through him !

What made him a Siddha Purusha ? The Five Ms !

There is a saying in Latin " In Vino Veritas " ( There is truth in Wine ).

Bacchus' blessings are a treasure
And drinking is the soldier's pleasure !

Alcohol, taken in small quantities is the exciter of the "Yes" function in
man. It can make man one with Truth. Mudra is a Yogic Pose. Yoga is derived
from the word Yuj which means to unite. Meena means fishes. Mamsa means
flesh. Traditionally, in other systems which are considered divine like
Yoga, non veg food is eschewed. But not so in Tantra.

Maidhuna is Copulation. Sex was considered as Lust in puritan philosophies.
But not so in Tantra. "Sex is spiritual, it is something that comes out of
the depths of your being " says Dr Maxwell Maltz, founder of Psycho-

These 5 Ms are the five elements which are used by Tantra for Cosmic Union.

Atharva Veda has been isolated, as some puritans think that it deals with
Black Magic. Anton La Vey, wrote the Satanic Bible and there are many Satanic
Churches in the West. Tantra is practised everywhere, even in Africa where it is
known as Voodoo.

In the West, there are two types of Witchcraft, knows as Alexandrian Witchcraft
and Dianian Witchcraft. Alex Sanders founded Alexandrian Witchcrat. The word is derived
 from the German word " Wicca " which means Wisdom and Witchcraft is the craft of the Wise.
They are all different forms of Tantra.

The Symbolic Meaning behind the Five Great M's

It is to be noted that Mamsam ( Flesh ) is symbolic. The Sanksrit Soham
means ' I am He '. Mamsa means the same Mam ( I am ) and Sah is He. Mamsa is
nothing but SOHAM reversed ! The Wine referred to here is the Wine of Bliss, the
Bliss which cometh from Union with the Self. The Copulation referred here is the Divine Copulation, the copulation between Purusha and Prakrithi, whose result is the Universe. No doubt sex is the microcosmic representation of Cosmic Union. We must take the macrocosmic meaning, the union of Purusha and Prakriti. Yoga Mudra is a great pose, which can give Liberation.
In this sense Tantra becomes sacred and divine. It is the Sacred Art & hence the holiest of all Holy Sciences.

It is only when we approach the Supreme through His double aspect - double but inseparable -
that the Truth becomes known to the inner experience. The Vedantins have developed the concept
of Absolute Being ( Sat ). The Chit aspect, the aspect of the Absolute as Consciousness, have been developed by the Shakta Tantrics. ( The Absoute is Being, Knowledge and Ananda, Sat Chit Anandam Brahma ).Only a blend of both ( Vedanta and Tantra )  can pave the way for Integral
Knowledge or Poorna Jnana. Vedanta sastra Tantra sastrasya samanvayah ithi Poorna Jnanah

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