Sunday, December 23, 2007

Choosing A Talisman For Affluence

Amulets have been used throughout the ages to protect the
holder from trouble. Talismans are objects that bring luck. Both
have been around since the dawn of man. Literally. I don't have
proof, but I wholeheartedly believe that the first man ever saw
a rock or shell and picked it up and thought to himself, 'This
is a special item which will bring me luck and protect me from

And as the thought escaped his mind, the little rock or shell
became imbued with meaning. It might not have been special to
anyone else in the world, but for him, it was filled with power.

It is human nature to attach. We carry a baby blanket, hold on
to keepsakes, believe rings symbolize love and/or commitment.
When you think about us humans, it's rather beautiful that we do
this. We give inanimate objects significance and ask them to
give us luck, love, wealth, protect us, connect us, and repel

Amulets or talismans can be anything-gems, coins, stones,
shells, rings, symbols, statues and even drawings or words.

I'm not asking you to worship false gods or believe in
something esoteric. My intent behind this is to focus on
affluence, your affluence. What symbol do you have on your body
at this very moment that symbolizes your relationship and future
with affluence? Maybe you carry around a large denomination
bill. Perhaps it's an expensive watch. It can be anything that
really resonates with you.

When you carry around something that embodies wealth, you are
carrying the very process of persuasion. It can equate to you,
in your other than conscious mind, as something with the
capacity to improve your life and steer you toward a big goal.

When I was a child, my father carried a cross pins around. I
was so eager to have my own set when I grew up. At age sixteen I
was given my own gold cross pins. This made me ecstatic and I
felt I had really made it in life. I carried them everywhere. I
loved them. My friends would tease me. They'd say, 'Why are you
wearing those?' I would respond, 'My dad gave them to me. I like

Now I carry a one ounce gold coin and a one ounce silver coin.
They're not only religious in nature for me, but a very tangible
symbol of wealth. I take time everyday to commune with the coins
and express my gratitude that even in this economy, they're
increasing in value.

I love that these coins are real and if I needed to cash them
in today, I could.

The other thing symbols do is give us grounding and reminding.
Sticking your hand in your pocket and finding that gem or gold
nugget will remind you of your relationship to affluence. Every
time you look to see what time it is, that Rolex reminds you of
your relationship to affluence. Every time you feel or see these
objects, remind yourself, 'I am a money magnet. I attract
affluence on every level. I am grateful for what I have and for
what will soon be mine.'

That's awesome! A beautiful constant reminder to remain ever
focused on your affluence.

About The Author: Kenrick Cleveland teaches techniques to earn
the business of affluent clients using persuasion. He runs
public and private seminars and offers home study courses and
coaching programs in persuasion

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